So That All May See is a 450 page book commemorating the 25th year of the LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, India, whose innovative health delivery models have been adopted by governments and other institutes worldwide.

The book documents not just the work of the six divisions of the institute, but also celebrates the miracle of sight; the joy of seeing and the power of vision.

A simple device of die cut circles on the cover and early pages is used to highlight the powerful statistic on eye health that the book opens with – Blindness can be prevented or cured in three out of four people.

The narrative style is very visual with archival images and documents from the early days of the institute, expressive photo stories of patients and staff, and data visualisation using metaphors and cues from the field of vision. View the full book here.

Work done at Trapeze, with Sarita Sundar.
Written by Wordsetc.
Photography & Imagery: Ramu Aravindan, Manoj Sudhakaran, Sarita Sundar, Shreyas R Krishnan, Amit Madheshiya, LVPEI Archives