A page from Becoming Rosie is on view at the the MoCCA Arts Fest Awards of Excellence exhibit at Society of Illustrators, NY from May 3 to July 11!
A page from Becoming Rosie is on view at the the MoCCA Arts Fest Awards of Excellence exhibit at Society of Illustrators, NY from May 3 to July 11!
The Illustrator is Auteur is now on Facebook! Follow to keep up with updates on new interviews, comics and zines.
Becoming Rosie won an Award of Excellence at Museum of Comic & Cartoon Art - MoCCA Arts Festival 2016, for most outstanding work on view at the festival! This is the first comic I made as part of my MFA thesis The Illustrator as Auteur.
I have been documenting my MFA thesis project - Illustrator as Auteur - both on my instagram, with process images, and a dedicated tumblr which also includes my thought process during this thesis.
All posts related to my thesis on both platforms are #illustrauteur