A page from Becoming Rosie is on view at the the MoCCA Arts Fest Awards of Excellence exhibit at Society of Illustrators, NY from May 3 to July 11!
A page from Becoming Rosie is on view at the the MoCCA Arts Fest Awards of Excellence exhibit at Society of Illustrators, NY from May 3 to July 11!
The Illustrator is Auteur is now on Facebook! Follow to keep up with updates on new interviews, comics and zines.
This fall, I will be teaching a 3 credit graduate level studio elective offered by the MFA Illustration Practice program at MICA.
Drawing Nonfiction teaches students to position themselves as journalists, and guides them in building a drawing practice in combination with writing to develop nonfiction narratives rooted in reportage and opinion. Students will experiment with sequential and non-sequential narrative formats.
For MICA Graduate and Post-Bacc students only. Login to your MICA portal to register.
Got questions? Write to skrishnan@mica.edu
I have been documenting my MFA thesis project - Illustrator as Auteur - both on my instagram, with process images, and a dedicated tumblr which also includes my thought process during this thesis.
All posts related to my thesis on both platforms are #illustrauteur
My illustrated cards for Douglas Adams and John Lloyd's The Meaning of Liff get Honorable Mention in 3x3 Magazine of Contemporary Illustration's Annual Student Show No.12
Norman Rockwell, 1943
Saturday Evening Post cover, May 29, 1943
An essay examining the notion of performative gender through the lens of American Illustrator Norman Rockwell's 1943 painting Rosie the Riveter.
Read the full essay on The Rockwell Center for American Visual Studies>>
My illustrated cards for The Meaning of Liff are on display along with other student work from Maryland Institute College of Art's MFA in Illustration Practice.
September 24 - October 13, 2014
Sheila and Richard Riggs Galleries
MICA, Baltimore